Hello World!

Hello World!

2010, Jul 02    

Welcome to Sanspace! Today, Sanspace has born to say ‘hello’ to everyone. It has been an important item of my very old wishlist. At last, I’ve got it come true.

July 2, 2010. It’s a special day for me. Today, I have launched my website Sanspace. I am not a great web designer or a developer. Still, I made use of the little knowledge I have about some web technologies. I’ve included XHTML, CSS and jQuery into this site. As soon as I learn something new, it would be implemented here. I just created it to test whatever I learn.

The site’s look and feel is not much yet. But, I will be working on it. Any suggestions on the same would be appreciable. I could not test much on cross browser compatibility also. It just looks fine on IE, FF and Chrome. Others I haven’t tested yet. So, please report the issues.

I thank all the tutorials helped me learn something about web designing. Thanks to WordPress for the amazing CMS which helps a lot. Also, special thanks to T4Tech for affordable domain and hosting plan suggestions.

Hope to have a nice journey with loads of learnings.. Happy Birthday Sanspace!!